Here they are 4 hours old:

I'm happy it was such a smooth kidding and her udder freshened so beautifully because our logo is a drawing of Wauwa and her momma from pictures almost 2 years ago, they hold a special place in my heart and are part of the short history of our farm.
On a business note, I also got the bill in the mail today from our septic planner. It is under budget - as a matter of fact, his cost and the county fee is just under 1/2 of what I budgetted for. Not quite enough to save our financial shortage, but every bit helps!
Our septic plan is the first of many steps just falling into place after nearly 2 years of planning. Once we receive approval, we will move ahead with getting permanent power to the barn, and then building out the barn to our dairy plan specs. Our dairy plan specs are being designed as I type by another marvelous member of our community that is doing it well under what we expected because he believes so much in our project! I see some free cheese in his future!
By the end of February we should have dates set for the electric install and hopefully a construction schedule for the little things, like floors and walls. :)
By the way, I had an old blog (goatmilker/ 2 years ago that shows pictures of Wauwa and some of my other herdmates as babies.
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