Thursday, February 14, 2008

Things are moving!

Yeah! Well, for me today is actually still Feb. 13, not quite ready to admit to 2/14 yet!
So, for today's update: In the mail today we received our Septic Plan Approval!!
This is a MAJOR item for us. Moving forward, for everything, was hinged on this.
Now it is approved. Now we will move forward with contracting and installing the septic system and the power to the barn/dairy.
The power is a neat one. Now, let's clarify here, I have not done any of this type of stuff before. Perhaps you live in an area that you've done developing and things like placing a 30' power pole or installing a septic system are commonplace, but I'm feeling quite over my head.
Fortunately I have a sister that has a partner with developing in her blood (truly, a family business!). They have done some developing for themselves too, and don't seem to be intimidated at all by all these strange processes. They have been a great resource and a wonderful sounding board when I start to panic and spin inside my head.
So, it's late, we're expecting kids - a LOT of them, any day now, I'm going to rest.
Happy Valentine's Day if I don't make it back to post tomorrow with hands too full of babies or some other great excuse.

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