Monday, February 11, 2008

Paperwork day

Today was a boring day on the farm. We did have several visitors, including my milk tester and her daughter. We always get more visitors after baby announcements!

I love having people over to meet the goats and share our farm.

Today was also a day to pull together the cheese I'm supplying for a Farmer to Chef event here on Whidbey Island (Monday evening!). I'm so excited about exposing such a large group of people to my product and letting them know it will be available to the public by May!

So with all the spare time we had today I actually caught up on some of my overdue ADGA paperwork. Yea! Maybe by midweek I can get it all done and in the mail.

Part of that paper work is an application for Linear Appraisal, when an appraiser (not a judge like at shows) comes out and 'scores' your animals. Just another tool, like Milk Test (DHIA/DHIR/DHI) to help me improve the herd.

We have 4 goats due this week, and another one the following week, and a sheep due sometime this month. This will prove to be a busy time, so I'd better get some rest! Goodnight!

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